20+ Snowflake Crafts, Activities, and Unit Study Ideas

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If you live in a place where it snows in the winter, snow might feel like a nuisance to you. Having to shovel the sidewalks, scrape ice off the car, and deal with slick and icy roads is no fun.

But even with those frustrations, there’s something awe-inspiring about snow. In this post with snowflake crafts, a printable unit study, and lots of other activities and ideas all focused on snow and snowflakes, hopefully you’ll be able to access a renewed sense of wonder and awe.

snowflake crafts and unit study

Even more, I hope you’ll be able to share that sense of wonder and curiosity with your kids as you learn about snow and snowflakes, do some fun and creative snowflake crafts, discover the science behind snow, try out a few fun recipes, and more!

Snowflake Crafts:

Here are a few fun and simple snowflake crafts, starting with a decorative and dainty snowflake luminary!

Snowflake Luminary Craft

List of Supplies for Snowflake Luminary Craft:

  1. Colored cardstock paper
  2. Craft tissue paper
  3. X-acto knife
  4. LED candle
  5. Craft glue
  6. Pencil
  7. Scissors

Instructions for Snowflake Luminary Craft:

Step 1:

Select a dark-colored cardstock paper for the base of the luminary. Cut a rectangular shape from the cardstock paper. Divide the paper into 3 even parts (along the longer side of the rectangle) and keep a 1 cm thin part on either side.

snowflake luminary step 1

Step 2:

Use a pencil to draw the snowflake patterns from the provided template on the middle divided part of the cardstock base.

snowflake luminary step 2

Step 3:

Use an X-acto knife to cut out the traced patterns nicely. Cut out the white marked parts on the template carefully from the cardstock base, keeping the base intact.

snowflake luminary step 3

Step 4:

Carefully and nicely cut out the patterns one by one.

snowflake luminary step 4

Step 5:

Measure the size of the individual parts of the cardstock base. Trace and cut out a craft tissue paper (I’m using white craft tissue paper) of the measured size.

snowflake luminary step 5

Step 6:

Stick the cutout craft tissue paper on either side of the patterned part of the cardstock base.

snowflake luminary step 6

Step 7:

Apply glue along the 1 cm part of the base and join it with the other open side of the base to close the luminary base.

snowflake luminary step 7

Step 8:

Switch on and place an LED candle inside the luminary base.

snowflake luminary step 8

Step 9:

The darker the room, the better the luminary will glow.

snowflake crafts completed - snowflake luminary

Here are links to three other simple and creative snowflake crafts:

Snow Science & Activities:

With the following links, you can teach your kids all about the science of snow as well as do some educational activities together!

Snow-Themed Recipes

When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing like getting in the kitchen and filling the house with the cozy aromas of something cookin’! Try these fun snow-themed, kid-friendly recipes!

Snowflake Unit Study Printable

With this unit study printable, you can teach your homeschool class about various types of snowflakes and some common snowflake shapes. Your kids will learn about the life cycle of a snowflake and have the opportunity to write down this information on their work pages. They’ll also learn some interesting facts about snowflakes, such as that each snowflake falls at a speed of three to four miles an hour.

Students will be able to count snowflakes and other objects on some counting pages. Some pages teach about the anatomy of a snowflake and other pages let them complete the drawing of several snowflakes, practice the symmetry of snowflakes, and do tracing practice, including letter tracing.

More Snow-Themed Printables:

Snowflake Activity Worksheets:

Here is another snowflake printable with fun snowflake activity pages, including the snowflake cycle, types of snowflakes, a word search, a creative writing activity, and facts about snowflakes.

And More Winter Unit Study Ideas!

snowflake crafts

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