Building World Landmarks
This month has been so much fun! I feel like the kids have learned a ton about the world and all the neat things they can find in it. This past week, we spent some time building the landmarks we learned about last week (pssstt….. get your landmark printables!)
There are so many ways you can build landmarks- just jump in and do it! We used Legos, rice noodles and toothpicks (or gumdrops, or mashmallows), and paper shapes this week to build the Pyramids, Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower, and Saint Basils Cathedral.
There really isn’t much to say about this activity- but that’s kind of the beauty of it. Before the kids set out to build, we looked at pictures of landmarks, then they each chose which one they wanted to try to build. I set out the supplies we had, and then I set back and let the kids have at it.
I love activities that allow for creativity and free play! (and also, leave time for me to sit back with a cup of coffee!)
Link up with us!
This activity is part of the fun we have with Mother Goose Time. We received this program free in exchange for blogging about our experience. All opinions are my own.