11 Ways to Help Your Child Learn Numbers (+ Free Printables)

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Homeschooling your preschooler can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. One of the fundamental skills you’ll want your little one to learn is counting and understanding numbers. While helping your child learn numbers may seem like a daunting task, it can be a fun and engaging adventure for both you and your child.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some creative and effective ways to help your young children learn numbers.

learn numbers - little girl pointing at numbers on a poster

1. Start with the Basics

Before diving into numbers, it’s essential to ensure your child has a solid grasp of the basics. Teach them to recognize and write their name, as well as the alphabet, as these skills will be building blocks for numeracy. Additionally, promote fine motor skills by encouraging coloring and drawing activities.

2. Enjoy Everyday Counting to Learn Numbers

Numbers are all around us, so take advantage of everyday opportunities to help your child learn numbers by doing counting activities. Whether it’s counting toys, fruits, or steps while walking, incorporating numbers into daily life makes learning fun and practical. Counting objects during snack time or while setting the table can make math seem less intimidating.

3. Engage with Counting Books

Preschoolers love stories, so consider incorporating counting books into your daily routine. Look for colorful books that feature numbers and counting, such as One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish or Ten Apples Up On Top! Reading together is not only educational but also a bonding experience.

Here are a few more recommended counting books for young children:

4. Learn Numbers with Hands-On Activities

Preschoolers are tactile learners, so use hands-on activities to reinforce number concepts. You can create DIY counting materials like counting bears, colorful buttons, or even beans. These materials can be used for counting, sorting, and basic math operations like addition and subtraction.

Try Counting Candies on Cookies with Your Kids

If you’re teaching math to older children, Math for Budding Engineers is a terrific hands-on activity.

5. Use Songs and Rhymes to Learn Numbers

Children often remember information better when it’s set to music or rhyme. Explore counting songs like “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” or “Ten in the Bed.” Sing along and use your fingers to represent the numbers. This interactive approach as you help your child learn numbers can be both entertaining and educational.

6. Play Math Games

Turn learning into playtime by incorporating math games. Board games like “Chutes and Ladders” or “Hi-Ho! Cherry-O” are great for teaching numbers and counting skills. Additionally, simple card games like “Go Fish” can help reinforce number recognition. Or if you’re heading outside with your kids, check out these Fun Outdoor Games for Kids.

girl writing numbers on chalkboard

7. Use Technology Sparingly

While it’s important to limit screen time, there are some excellent educational apps and websites designed for preschoolers. Consider using apps that focus on numbers, such as interactive counting games or math puzzles. Be sure to monitor your child’s screen time and choose age-appropriate content. Here are ways to use technology to support your homeschool efforts.

8. Encourage Questions

Preschoolers are naturally curious, so encourage their questions about numbers. Be patient and provide simple explanations. For instance, if they ask, “Why is 3 bigger than 2?” you can say, “Three is bigger because it means you have more of something, like three cookies are more than two cookies.”

9. Foster a Positive Attitude

Maintain a positive and encouraging atmosphere when helping your child learn numbers. Praise your child’s efforts, no matter how small. Celebrate milestones, such as when they can count to ten or recognize numbers in their environment. This positive reinforcement will motivate them to continue learning.

10. Be Flexible and Patient

Remember that every child learns at their own pace. If your child is struggling with a particular concept, don’t be discouraged. Take a step back, try a different approach, or revisit the concept later. The key is to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment.

11. Use Printables to Help Your Child Learn Numbers

When teaching numbers to my kids, it wasn’t so easy to find free online printables, so I reused a few over and over (and over) again. I want you to have plenty of number printables to choose from, though, so here are several printables that can help your child learn numbers.

Teaching numbers to preschool children can be an exciting journey full of discovery and growth. By incorporating these strategies into your homeschooling routine, you’ll help your child build a strong foundation in numeracy while fostering a love for learning that will last a lifetime. Enjoy this precious time together and watch as your little one blossoms into a confident young mathematician!

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