Mother Goose Monday: Getting Our Groove On
Happy Monday! I am so excited that this week just flew by. Since we moved in, I have felt a bit like we are slogging through quicksand, I never can seem to make enough progress, get enough done, or get enough rest. This week though (whoo hoo!) was amazing.
I was totally on top of my game. All three kids had a full week of school, and accomplished a ton. Having a table made a huge difference (I’m in that stage of pregnancy where getting up and down off the floor just ain’t happening….) and everyone was in a good mood.
Hopefully, this coming week is even better. Tomorrow, our belongings that have been in storage for the last three years will be arriving at the new house- and in that shipment, I have a washer a dryer, couches, and even more chairs to sit on. I missed our stuff while we were in Germany, but now I am just glad I left something useful behind! I have a feeling once I no longer have to wash the laundry in the bathtub, we’re really going to be living it up and getting things done around here!
Anyways- enough about that- back to school! I have raised the bar with Little Miss for this school year, and am trying even harder to follow our Mother Goose Time curriculum to the letter. When we first started, she wasn’t ready for all the included activities, but she’s grown leaps and bounds in the last 6 months.
This month, the theme is “My Amazing Body” and the activities are to die for cute…. and educational too! I took about a million pictures, so I am just going to let them speak for themselves. In a nutshell, she has cut and glued and colored, and looked at x-rays and talked about her senses, and played lots of games. It’s been a ball!
The highlight of the week: Today Little Miss received a “first reader” in her daily pack. It taught the sight words “is” “it” and “a”… between the sight words, which she got down pretty quickly, the book was picture guided, so after just a few times through, she proudly “read” it to me. I love the gentle way Mother Goose Time is building her skills and confidence, so when we formally tackle reading in the next year or so, she will have already had a good experience with books made just for her.