Dinosaur Coloring and Copywork
This month, the kids and I are going to be enjoying a Dinosaur Unit Study, and I hope you join us for the fun!
Little Miss is going to be enjoying Dinosaur activities tailored to preschoolers with her Mother Goose Time curriculum, but I really didn’t want to leave the boys out of the fun, so I have made a series of printables for them to use as well.
All month, I’ll be sharing printables (one set per week all month) and hands on activities with you to create a Dinosaur Unit Study. The dinosaur printables will be free for this month only, after which time they can be purchased for a small fee in our shop. If you want to get them while they are free, be sure to subscribe by email so you don’t miss any of them!
The first pack is a small introduction to the dinosaurs we will be learning more about this month:
Tyrannosaurus Rex
I love these! What great ideas! We are starting a dinosaur unit soon, and this is just what I envisioned – thank you! I am having trouble downloading them, though; every time I click to go to the shop to download them, I get redirected to the home page. I am not sure what I’m doing wrong but any help would be appreciated, as I know my kids will love these. Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents; these are seriously way cool! 🙂
Thank you so much for your comment- I had updated my shopping cart yesterday, and it appears the update took it off line! I fixed the error, and you should have no problem grabbing the printables now. I hope your kiddos enjoy them!
Yay! It worked! My kids will really love this; so glad I stumbled across your great blog. I signed up for your e-mails and now will be a stalker. Thanks again; very grateful!
I’m so glad it worked! 🙂 See you around!
So cute! It makes me wish I had little ones. 🙂 But I shared it, so others can find.
These coloring sheets are awesome! Thanks for sharing them with us. 🙂
I’m glad you like them!
Hi Heather, I’m not a homeschooler, but I am a part-time stay at home mom who’s always looking for something to do with her boys! This will be great for them, especially if we get snowed in this week like they’re expecting.
Anyway, I’m in the Boost class with you and am trying to visit the blogs and get to know everyone!
I’m looking forward to getting to know you better in class, Katie!
Enjoy the printables! 🙂