What we’re up to- Language Arts

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Bug is still working on Logic of English Essentials. We are moving along well, and while I have ditched the lesson plan schedule I had written for this school year, we have found our groove with the program. We use LOE Essentials as our phonics and spelling program- which means we are only focusing on the sections for the phonograms, exploring the sounds, and spelling rules. Instead of requiring Bug to master the spelling of the spelling list, I expect fluent reading of the words. We do dictate the spelling list as is taught in LOE (the strength of the program is in the dictation) and he can spell most of the words correctly when he has mastered the sounds and rules for that section. The biggest difference is how I assess mastery of the lesson- Typically, you would test the spelling list at the end of the lesson- I only “test” the reading.

We did start back with Michael Clay Thompson Language arts this month and are enjoying it much more. Bug is engaged with the story and is picking up the parts of speech quickly. I’ve learned instead of doing it on the couch as snuggle time as many homeschoolers do, we are much better off at the table. Bug has the student book, and I have the teacher book and we read them together. We should be finishing Grammar Island (an overview of parts of speech) in the next couple weeks, and we’ll be adding in Building Language (Latin based vocabulary) with Sentence Island (more grammar and sentence construction). I’m really exciting to be reviewing these neat Greek and Latin root cards, which I think will enhance both our vocabulary and Ancient Rome study!

Learning cursive is coming along really well, he’s been working with the Logic of English Foundations Cursive program and I am so pleased with how easy it is to teach. Bug is so proud of his new cursive skills!

Our weakness in Language Arts right now for Bug is writing instruction. We’ve finished Essentials in Writing 2 and Evan Moor’s Daily 6 Trait writing 2… and I’m not sure where to go next. I don’t know if I want to continue with Essentials in Writing, or try something else. I like the look of the Institute for Excellence in Writing but am having a hard time committing to trying it. For now, Bug is doing copy work from D’aulaires Greek Myths and writing summaries for his history and science lessons, but we don’t have a formal program. I am hoping to find something soon to help me teach him!

Playing a game from Logic of English Foundations

Mr. Man is still doing very well- His reading is chugging along with Logic of English Foundations. He is still excited to be able to sound out words, and is still building his confidence. He isn’t writing or forming letters yet, but I am hoping we’ll have a breakthrough soon! He’s reviewing Handwriting Without Tears Kindergarten program, so hopefully we’ll have success there.

That’s the rundown for Language Arts this month- If you know of a good writing program, please let me know!

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