Schooling in the Kitchen: Milk Art

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Art in the Kitchen

Have you explored Pinterest lately? It can be a rabbit hole, but it can be so much fun! And, I’m an art teacher, so when I see pictures of cool things people made with milk, I can’t help myself.

This project is so neat- all you need is milk (the higher the fat, the better. I used whole milk), dish soap, and coloring (I used liquid watercolor paint, I think regular food coloring would work just as well).

First, pour a thin layer of milk in the bottom of a dish.

Then, add some color. We only added the primary colors, because I wanted to use this lesson as another way to reenforce color mixing with the kids.

Then, you slowly add in dish soap. I mixed ours 50/50 water and Dawn dishwashing liquid.

It was slow to move at first, but it kept bubbling and churning, and soon, we had the most beautiful color show!

After Bug pointed out the three colors turned into “A HUNDRED” colors, the boys begged to see what would happen if we added more of the soap mixture, and maybe some water too. So, I filled up the cups and let them go for it!

I can’t believe how much fun we had with such simple ingredients!

This idea came from Pinterest. Follow along on my page!


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  1. Oh I love this idea! You know, my daughter has a science lab and it has her mix colors so that could totally be called science! This actually looks way more fun too so we will have to try it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Whoo Hoo! I’m not a liar then. I admit I thought for a second about how to explain it so it would be science…. but then realized I’m not science-y enough to do that without a lot of research. So, there you have it- It IS science. Google why. Haha!

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