Doorposts: Because You are Strong {Schoolhouse Crew Review}
Are you looking for a bible study for your sons? Doorposts has a new study out called Because You Are Strong which is a in-depth look a “godly strength” and teaches children bible study skills to help them have a lifetime of successful independent bible study.
The Format and Contents of Because You Are Strong:
Because You Are Strong includes ten studies, each adding to the one before it.
Ten studies include:
- Strength for the Race: Meditating on Hebrews 11-12
- Strength with no Limits A Topical Study on the Omnipotence of God
- Strength and Wisdom: A Topical Study in Proverbs
- Strength and Temptation: A Character Study of Samson
- Strength to be Valiant: A Word Study on “Valor”
- Strength in Our Weakness: A Verse Study on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
- Strength in the Battle: A Chapter Study of 1 Samuel 17
- Strength Serving Others: A Study of Jesus’ Actions in the Gospel of Mark
- Strength and Gray Heads: A Verse Study of Proverbs 20:29
- Strength in the Faith: A Book Study of 1 John
This book contains 74 days of study which will teach your child many skills, such as using a topical bible, studying words and their original Hebrew, and using a concordance. Along with the 74 days of study and detailed questions in workbook format, there are 40 additional topics of suggested study for your child. There is enough material here for a full year of bible study with your children.
A Progression of Skills and Expectations
I am really impressed with the sequential nature of Because You Are Strong. The guide builds on itself, teaching your child incrementally how to study. For example, the first study is simply a devotional study- reading assignments are given, then the child thinks on them, and then applies them to their life. In the second study, you child now is studying a topic across multiple readings. Not only do they read and apply, they also learn to use a topical bible. By the fifth study, your child is learning to use a concordance, and is looking up words in their original Hebrew.
This study teaches many skills at once and really will help your child think critically and gain a bigger picture view of the verses they are studying, the history behind them, as well as apply them to their own lives.
In a Nutshell
This bible study was written for boys 10-12 and older, and focuses on teaching them a biblical understanding of strength, and how to use that strength with wisdom. While written for boys, it can also be used with girls, and includes questions that can be substituted to facilitate conversations with both sexes. Scriptures quoted are from the KJV and the ESV translations. This study will have your sons looking more in-depth at bible heros, doing word studies, and finding their own strength.
You can read crew reviews from families who used both this study for boys, and the Beauty in the Heart bible study for young ladies. Head on over to the crew blog to read their reviews by clicking the banner below.