Parts of a Flower – Unit Study
Chalk it up to my age but lately, I am much more aware of the different types of flowers in my neighborhood and along the side of the road. I look forward to bike rides with the kids because it’s a great opportunity to help them to see the beauty around them. And despite their owner, the flowers in my yard even surprise me with blooms once in a while–ha!
I use almost everything as a teaching moment, so I had the kids look up fun facts about flowers while I was creating a mini unit-study for them!
Fun Facts about Flowers
- Several centuries ago in Holland, tulips were more valuable than gold.
- Broccoli is actually a flower.
- Orchids don’t need soil to grow–they get all their nutrients from the air.
- Not all flowers smell good. The “corpse flower” (titan arum) smells like rotting flesh.
- Snapdragons have “mouths” which can be squeezed to emulate a mouth opening and closing.
- Dandelions might seem like weeds, but the flowers and leaves are a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and potassium. One cup of dandelion greens provides 7,000-13,000 I.U. of vitamin A. (Wow!)
Easy Origami Tulip Craft
This fun paper tulip craft from Red Ted Art is a neat way to introduce your kids to simple origami and is a perfect compliment to my unit study as the kids identify each part of the flower as they work.
Flowers Unit Study
If you’ve been around Only Passionate Curiosity for any time now, you know how much I love creating printables which help bring the world around my children to life, so I created a unit study to help them learn more about flowers! This 11-page mini unit study teaches the parts of the flower, the life cycle of the flower, and includes fun pages just for the littles.