The World’s Best Cinnamon Rolls

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I have had this cinnamon roll recipe for I don’t know how long. I kind of think my mom got it from a friend back when I was 11 or 12, and I still remember how excited we all were to have cinnamon rolls that were even better than Cinnabon.

pumpkin cinnamon

Seriously, once you have them, you can never go back.

Cinnamon rolls take a ton of work and plenty 0f time, and make the world’s biggest mess of your kitchen… but this recipe is absolutely worth it. They come out perfect every time, and are the chewiest, most delicious treat. I always make them in the evenings rather than the morning, because I just don’t have it in me to wake up as early as I would need to in order to have them done at a decent hour. The good news is, they rest well overnight, and if you are really in the mood for them hot out of the oven, you can pop them in the fridge overnight, and just do the last rise before sticking them in to bake.

Even the kids get in on the action when it’s time to make cinnamon rolls. The key to rolling them out is tons and tons of flour- what child doesn’t like to play in flour? Just make sure you clean your counters well, and rinse off any cleaners you may use with a LOT of water and dry well before putting down flour.

Now- for the recipe!

Today, I want to share with you both the standard recipe, and a pumpkin variation that is just to die for. In order to make the pumpkin rolls, you’ll want to mix together canned pumpkin with the brown sugar and cinnamon instead of using butter when you go to roll out the dough. One cup should be plenty!

Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls

Once they come out, top them with a cream cheese frosting, and enjoy!

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  1. Can you clarify the pudding? Is that like the individual serving size that comes in six packs or a box of mix prepared? Can’ wait to try this!

    1. Wendy, it’s the small box of dry mix- prepare it first, and then use it prepared (I always mix it up with 2 cups of almond milk and stick it in the fridge to quickly set while the yeast is rising).

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