Nature Study Curriculum Round Up

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Despite our kids being bombarded with technology of all kinds, I’ve never met a kid who doesn’t love to be outside and explore the world around them.  Sometimes they just need encouragement to put those phones/tablets/video games down and unplug.  I’ve collected some great Nature Study curriculum and unit study choices to help you get inspired to get outside with your precious children!

Nature Study

FREE: Nature Study–Charlotte Mason Style  (Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy included lots of nature studies, and is a great fit for homeschooling families who enjoy simple methods of teaching. Learn more here.)

FREE: Ambleside Online Nature Study (A suggested schedule for teaching nature studies over several years. Lots of great, free resources found on this site.)

FREE: Our Wonderful World Curriculum (This free e-book contains 32 weeks of lessons covering animals and earth science.)

FREE: National Wildlife Federation Lesson Plans (This site has several links to projects, games, and lesson plans to encourage your child to get outside.)

ALMOST FREE: Handbook of Nature Study (Companion books/journals are suggested but can be borrowed from library to keep this study free.)

UNDER $10: *my personal favorite* The Nature Connection  (An outdoor workbook with kid-friendly projects for observation and field journaling while exploring the great outdoors.)

UNDER $25: Handbook of Nature Study (A 900 page guidebook for teachers and students covering just about any nature subject you can think of. )

UNDER $40: Knowing Creation Nature Study Curriculum (This full curriculum includes tons of charts, calendars, and nature journals for the price.)

UNDER $45: From Nature Stories to Natural Science: A Holistic Approach to Science for Families (This Waldorf-style guide helps parents of K-8th graders learn how to use the world around them to teach their children science, including teaching multiple ages.)

Have fun exploring these options, then get outside with your favorite students!



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