Mother Goose Monday: A closer look at More Math and More Reading
Normally, I use my Mother Goose Monday post as a way to share adorable pictures of Little Miss and what she’s been up to this week. However, since I shared why Mother Goose Time Preschool works for us last week, I’ve had a few emails asking me more questions about the materials, and the supplements, and I wanted to take a moment to answer just some of the questions.
I don’t actually use any of the supplemental programs, because we get the basic box, and I feel it is more than enough for Little Miss at this point (she’s almost three, and very vocal, but not reading or writing yet, unless you count her insanely good coloring sounds). This month though, Mother Goose Time included a sample of their More Math and More Reading workbooks in our box, so I wanted to give you a closer look at what this supplement is really about.
More Math and More Reading give your child just that, More! Each workbook contains one page per day to be done during the month (so 20 pages of Math and Reading total). Both workbooks are the same full color, high quality you would expect from all the Mother Goose Time program.
The More Math workbook has activities like number writing, counting, addition and subtraction (problems go to sums of 20), matching, puzzles, measurement, patterns, graph reading, and more.
The More Reading and Writing workbook has handwriting practice, fill in the blank pages, rhyming work, some phonics, phonemic awareness, sequencing, and story telling skills.
From my (admittedly uneducated guess) I would say the work is at a kindergarten level, and could be used to “beef up” the program for older or advanced children, while still staying on the cute theme of the month.
For me personally, I know Little Miss isn’t ready for these books yet, but seeing them was a very nice treat, and makes Mother Goose Time an option for me as a Kindergarten program. The books are only 6.99 a month, and I think they are a wonderful addition if you have an older or super smart little guy. I think I would add a phonics program, and it would probably be good to go!
We added these for my 5 year old and she loves them. We also added the Bible supplement but haven’t used it yet.