How to Teach Art at Home like a Pro: Even if You Can’t Draw a Straight Line
How to Teach Art at Home like a Pro: Even if You Can’t Draw a Straight Line
“I want to include art in my homeschool curriculum, but how can I teach my children to draw if I don’t know how myself?”
Art is one of those subjects that is difficult for most of us to teach. We know art is important in a well-rounded education, but where do you start?
Have you ever felt that way?
If you have, I’ve got good news for you.
Teaching art at home just got a whole lot easier.
Art Class from See the Light is a DVD-based course that:
- Is taught by Master Artist, Pat Knepley
- Has 36 lessons on 9 DVDs—a school year’s worth of instruction
- Helps students learn step-by-step in short, bite-sized lessons
- Includes Scripture in every lesson
- Includes art history and art appreciation in every lesson
- Has easy to follow exercises
- Requires a minimum of art supplies
- Costs far less than most other homeschool art programs
- Requires NO WORKBOOKS! – Ever!
- Works well with students from early elementary through high school
Unlike many homeschool art programs, Art Class isn’t project oriented. Your children will not jump from one project or medium to another. Because it is based on the 7 elements of art, Art Class systematically teaches them the skills to create their own art—whenever they want to.
As they work through the DVD lessons, your children will learn:
- The basics of drawing (line)
- How to work with shape and space
- How to understand and use color
- How to draw texture and form
- How to use value (light and dark)
- And much, much more!
They will learn how to apply principles of composition, balance, perspective, foreshortening, and even how to draw faces and figures!
I used to teach an art class for homeschoolers, but if I were to start my class up again tomorrow, I would use See the Light’s Art Class.
Pat Knepley’s systematic approach. Each lesson builds on the previous lessons.
Students who complete all 36 lessons of Art Class will gain a solid foundation in drawing and the basics of art. After that, they will be able to move on to create their own Art Projects.
But don’t take my word for it, take a few minutes and try this free lesson:
Art Class is affordably priced at $99.99, but if you order from this post, you can get a 10% discount, not only on Art Class, but also for any other See the Light products you buy in the same order.
And See the Light will even throw in free shipping in the U.S.
Just use the code: VIRTUAL when you check out.
I hope you’ll check out Art Class along with all the other products that See the Light offers. And be sure to visit my blog for more free tutorials and resources. On the blog this week is Part I of “Cartooning by the Numbers” :
As a BONUS for Only Passionate Curiosity’s readers, See the Light has graciously agreed to offer a chance to win a FREE copy of their Ultimate Crossmaker Gift Set (a $34.99 value)!!! Even if you don’t want to take time to enter, you can take advantage of the discounted price:
I’m not comfortable teaching art technique but I’m OK with teaching art appreciation.
Not very but my husband has an art degree
This is awesome. I could NEVER teach this!! I’d actually love to do this with my children.
Right now we have no actual art program. I’ve been doing crafts and occasionally get library books out based on famous artists with my daughter.
I am fairly comfortable teaching art. I do better when I have teaching resources easily accessible and at my finger tips.
I am not creative at all! I turn to youtube to teach art 🙂
I feel comfortable teaching art because I cover a variety of topics on different artists, and tend to focus more on the art itself as well as having fun trying different forms of it. I’m definitely no Picasso, Michaelangelo, or DaVinci, but we all have fun and love trying different forms of art anyway. : )
I love art but sometimes I don’t find the time to plan for it.
I would love to win this giveaway. My sister loves art.
I love art and would love to have my kids learn it at their level 🙂
I would love to have some kind of art program for my kids.
I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I want to my children art, I have a couple with talent and love or art. Thank you for the chance to win this
I can do only basic watercolors and such, not quite the expert in art.
I really enjoy art, but find it hard to find time to do it with my kids. Too much chaos with 5 little ones!
I’m not artsy AT ALL! I love Art classes taught by others. 🙂
I feel comfortable teaching art. I have plenty of supplies and loads of ideas. My problem is finding space to do many of the lessons/projects and mostly the time to do it.
I’m comfortable teaching some kinds of art, but there are many areas (drawing, sculpting, advanced painting) that are beyond the realm of my knowledge. I have a daughter that is VERY into art and I know that I’m not capable of teaching her all the art that she is capable of learning.
I am comfortable teaching the very basics, but I don’t really enjoy doing it.
I have always considered myself “crafty”, but artist……not so much. Would love a program that could teach it for me.
I am comfortable teaching art. I think it’s a fun way to explore students’ creativity and provides opportunities for them to express themselves. As a busy homeschool mom, I am always on the lookout for quality,affordable curricula that is easy to implement and fun and meaningful to my children. I’d love the opportunity to see if this particular program might be a good fit for us.
Not very because I’m not creative at al . I need to have specific instructions to teach.
I am not very comfortable teaching art because I feel like my 12 year old is better at art than I am.
Ha ha, not very comfortable. I can follow instructions,but I am not at all artistic.
What I love best about this DVD art class is that talks about the bible and gives verses!!! Awesome!
I am not at all comfortable teaching art as I can’t draw a stick person!
I do not know much about art.
I am very insecure when it comes to teaching art and usually avoid it:(
I know nothing about art other than coloring!
I have no idea what I’m doing. An art program would be AWESOME!
I’m not comfortable teaching art, as I don’t have great skills myself- I have lousy depth perception. I seem to never make time for art training.
I’m comfortable teaching concepts, but not technique.
I’m not very comfortable teaching art. My children are more artistically blessed than I am.
I feel *somewhat* comfortable teaching art. We have been doing art appreciation pretty well, and we have done some drawing lessons using drawing books. I can teach art well IF I have a good curriculum/video/something, but struggle to do it on my own. I have been eyeing the Art Class set by See the Light! My daughter (age 9) absolutely loves art, so I have been searching for something better than what we have been doing on our own.
I could use a lot of help. My daughters love to draw, paint, etc. and are very artistic. This could really help.
My youngest son loves art! I try to incorporate it into every subject ~ this would be awesome! 😉
I think I’m pretty comfortable with teaching art as my daughter has an interest and being creative runs in the family.
I don’t know that I’m really “teaching art”. I know of some fun artsy projects to do. But I don’t know anything about space,value or form .
I don’t feel very comfortable teaching art unless I had an easy to follow curriculum that spelled it out!
I’m not at all comfortable teaching art. I’m not artistic or crafty (except for knitting) and art has been on my homeschool to-do list for years. My kids have taken art classes at co-ops but they’re pricey and not in my budget right now.
I have a book that I use for art, but the kids always complain we don’t do it often enough. Maybe this would help.
my art skills don’t go far.
I definitely need a curriculum to be able to teach art. For now, we just enjoy doing different arts and crafts projects, pulled from different blogs, sometimes tied to what we are learning, or to the season, the weather, the holidays, etc. And as much as I love doing those projects, it is not systematic and does not teach things like drawing skills, awareness of light, perspective, etc. So this curriculum might be just what we need.
I can teach my 5-year-old ok, but my older kids are much better than me.
I have always wanted this course but just haven’t been able to afford it yet. I taught a homeschool art class for about 6 weeks and loved it, I know this would be fun for both myself and the kids.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! My best art is stick figures, but my girl (8 years old) LOVES art and tells me it’s her “THING”. She draws better than I could ever do and she would LOVE this!!
I am somewhat comfortable, as long as I have a structured lesson to follow.
I have been putting off teaching art to my teen for a long time. I just got to bite the bullet and do it with her she love everything about art.
I would feel comfortable if I had the right tools, resources and books to guide me.
Right now I’m not comfortable teaching art. I have trouble drawing a straight line. Sigh. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I love everything about art and I’m very comfortable teaching it to my child.
I would feel comfortable teaching my children as long as I had a good program to guide me. I have children who seem to enjoy drawing and painting but I simply don’t have the skill to teach them on my own. We haven’t been able to do much beyond crafts with my younger children and my older ones aren’t getting the teaching that I would like them to have in this area.
I am okay with it if I have a good program to use.
I haven’t taught art but I think it would be fun.
I am a bit comfortable teaching art. I helped to teach an art class for 1st-4th graders at our co-op, and it was mostly about the artists and trying to paint using their techniques.
I can’t “draw a straight line”, but I can improvise. I would have to say I am in between.
My kids would love this!
I love to make art, but I don’t enough about technique to teach it. My children would enjoy this so much, great giveaway!
I’m not totally confident teaching art. There have been a few easy things I have done, but don’t do enough.