Field Trip Friday: Martin Luther and Worms, Germany
We strayed a bit from our roman studies to venture out to the city of Worms with some of the other local homeschoolers this week. We have a really active group, and I just love that people are always planning trips and adventures. It was really nice to be able to tag along with someone else and not worry about any of the details for once!
It’s great having Homeschool Friends!
Worms was beautiful. The town is well known for the “trial” in 1521, when Martin Luther stood before the Imperial Diet and said “Here I stand, I can do no other” instead of retracting his theology that salvation is through grace alone. He was then declared an outlaw by the Holy Roman Emperor.
Now, a large memorial stands in Worms commemorating this event.
Worms was beautiful to just wander around in. Even the little ones had fun! Mr. Man loved all the statues and carvings around the cathedral.
Mr. Man and the “Beast”
Little Miss was frozen, but loves to be rolled over cobblestone, so she was happy!
What a great place to go on a field trip!
Pretty cool, isn’t it!?
This was one of our lessons recently in Mystery of History 3. Thanks for sharing!
😀 I LOVE that we get to see these things! I have on our schedule for this year the castle where he translated the bible. I wish I could make it to the church where he nailed his thesis, but we’re about 4 hours from that, so it will have to wait 🙂
Wow, what a great experience for your kids! My cousin is in Germany right now, getting her Master’s Degree and studying Martin Luther. This was really neat to read.
We are just loving it here! I hope your cousin is too!