Coffee Chat: Random Ramblings

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HeatherSo, my girlfriend with the awesome blog has a feature she calls “coffee chat” and she just gets to say all the awesome things on her mind. And, I have no really good ideas for a post today, so stealing her wonderful idea seemed promising. So, here are the things I would happily gab to you about if I could invite you over for coffee today!

  • I have no idea how to stand in pictures. I read on the internet one time that you’re supposed to make angles, so then I think too hard about how to stand when someone is taking my picture, so half the time I look like I am going to fall over, or pass out. It’s confusing stuff. Add in heals, and I am smokes.
  • I still have to pinch myself when I realize I live in Europe. Like today, my family and I loaded in the car, drove a whole 30 minutes, and landed ourselves at the most beautiful castle. It was older than the United States, and all I could think while exploring it was how lucky we were. And, how I hoped Little Miss wouldn’t somehow fall to her death between the railings. It was a really high castle.
  • I’m friends with the prettiest women in the whole wide world. I am pretty sure there is something in the water here, because it’s not natural to have so many good looking girls all in one area. Their hearts are even prettier than their faces, so I am one lucky friend.

  • Speaking of friends, one of the gals made this cake for the ball. Can you believe that? She has a blog too (go figure) where she shares the most amazing recipes. If you need dinner ideas, she’s your girl.
  • My date last night with Hubby was the best thing. I always forget how much I miss him until he is back and being all handsome and wonderful. He was totally prince charming last night, and I had a blast “bad dancing” with him. We both stink and have no rhythm, but we have so much fun!
  • School this year is making me crazy. I don’t know how we are so behind. Well, we aren’t behind because the kids are ahead, but we’re behind because we aren’t as far as I had wanted to be. I’m hoping to get things together soon!
  • I’m really a huge fan of cake. Last night at the ball, Hubby was trying to take my picture, but right when he went to snap the shot, someone offered me a slice of cake. This is the face I make when I see cake. You can’t fake that joy. Also, the picture is in black and white because somehow, I am the color of an oompa loompa. No idea how that happened.


  • In 11 days, the boys and I leave on a field trip to Budapest. It’s going to be AMAZING. I still haven’t even googled it to see what there is to see there. But, we have a hotel booked, and train tickets bought, so that’s good enough.
  • There are people standing in my living room right now, whom I should be entertaining, which means I need to go. And also proves I am a procrastinator. Most of my blog posts are written on the 11th hour, which is why there is at least one typo in all of them. I’m really surprised people read the things I have to say in spite of them.

What is on your mind today?

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  1. I also have zero clue on how to stand in pictures! I always end up looking awkward or weird – guess my career would never have been in modeling!

    What an amazing experience it sounds like you are having living in Europe- we have talked a few times about moving to Europe while the girls are young for a few years for the experience of it all. Still on the bucket list though!

  2. That is the best picture of you at the bottom. Even Thing 3 is grinning back at you like a fool, and she hates shows of emotion other than screaming at the top of her lungs. I bought cake for them (can’t eat it anymore, so I get sad when I make it), and I figure she’ll probably make the same face when she sees it. If so, I’ll take a picture for you. Also, I’m totally jealous of where you live. As a history major, people always think I’m nuts for hating American History, but it’s JUST NOT OLD ENOUGH. Freaking baby country we’ve got over here,

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