Tot School: On the hunt for “Blue”
Little Miss is getting to the age where she wants to be involved with EVERYTHING. Most of the morning is spent having the boys take turns being on “Baby Duty” and they are responsible for keeping her company, and out of trouble (well, as much as small boys can keep a baby out of trouble). When she is not being entertained one on one, she’s either off searching for floor food to snack on, trying to sit on our books (much like a cat would), or pulling things off shelves.
She is such a busy little girl, so we try to involve her in our school day. Today, Mr. Man and I took Little Miss on a hunt around the house to find as many blue objects as we could. Mr. Man did most of the work of course, but he felt very important “teaching” his Baby Sister all about the color blue!
Mr Man telling his Sister all about the different blue objects we found. By the end, she could even say “Blue!”
Showing me his pants were also blue. He sorted all the objects from light to dark.