Homeschool Botany Curriculum
This time of year is perfect for jumping into a study of botany. There are only a few homeschool botany curriculum programs on the market, but there is at least something for every grade and budget.
Personally, I love Great Science Adventures for Elementary. It isn’t a full-year program, but it is perfect for a couple-month-long study in the spring or summer!
If you have older kids or want a full year study, many people swear by Apologia Science. I haven’t personally used the botany book, but I have heard good things about it if you are looking for Christian-based science. If you need a secular program, Ellen McHenry isn’t as long of a course, but it is very complete.
Homeschool Botany Curriculum
Online Botany Resources
The above links to a website with tons of links and resources on botany, including blogs, botany curriculum sources, resource collections, guides, videos, and more. While not all of the resources are free, you will find some inexpensive and free content.
Less than $20: Ellen McHenry Botany in 8 Lessons
Description: This is a complete botany curriculum designed for ages 8-14. It includes both student text and a teacher’s activity guide. You’ll receive over 200 pages of text, with color illustrations included.
Complete Curriculum: Botany Adventure
Description: In this Botany Curriculum, you can learn all about plants from the roots up: life cycles, needs, usage, differences, uniqueness, and comparisons. Microscopic to hands-on labs with plenty of Lab Sheets. Practice/review pages and the 50+ flashcards help students master essential concepts such as flower parts, leaf shapes, and root types. Appropriate for 6th grade through high school ~ this 160+ page study provides an exciting and comprehensive look at the plant world around us.
Great Science Adventures: The World of Plants
This book can serve as a botany curriculum or as a helpful supplement to a complete curriculum. It also includes suggestions to help you teach the lessons to multiple grade levels. This thorough book is ideal for elementary students, and each section has a vocabulary section, a lab activity, and a small booklet students can make themselves.
This is a very thorough book, but it is also right on level for elementary students. Each section has vocabulary, a lab activity and a small booklet the children make themselves. Also included, are templates for making lap books. It really holds the student’s interest.
Exploring Creation with Botany by Apologia
This botany curriculum is a God-honoring study of botany that will enable your young botanist to gain an overview of botany and grow in their knowledge of seeds, flowers, pollination, fruits, leaves, roots, and stems of plants. Their awareness of the world around them will blossom as they experience planting a garden that they design and discover how food is produced. By digging deeper into the many different types of plants in creation, they will acquire wisdom that will flourish for their lifetimes.
Exploring Creation with Botany, 2nd Edition, by Apologia is a God-honoring study of botany. Revised and updated with new content, illustrations, graphics, new and reworded activities, and redesigned Notebooking Journals! Your young botanist will begin this course with an overview of botany and then grow in their knowledge of seeds, flowers, pollination, fruits, leaves, roots, and stems of plants. Their awareness of the world around them will blossom as they experience planting a garden that they design and discover how food is produced. By digging deeper into the many different types of plants in creation, they will acquire wisdom that will flourish for their lifetimes.
Thank you for sharing this review! I just began looking into a botany book that I can use as my companion next year during my daughter’s botany block. I look forward to looking through each of your suggestions.