5 Days of Free and Frugal Homeschooling: Art, Music, Language
Hi Everyone! You may have noticed my site was down for much of Friday, and I missed sharing the final post in our Free and Frugal blog series because of it. Long story short, y’all overwhelmed my server (I’m not complaining!). I am still in the process of moving to a new host, so hopefully soon we’ll be up and running on a server that will keep this site running efficiently for you! Sorry about that, and thank you so much for reading this blog!
Now- on to the curriculum!
Free Curriculum:
Free Art Lessons from Concordia University Chicago- Individual Lessons plans for every grade.
Kids Art Lessons (general)
Art Projects for Kids (lots of artist study projects, inexpensive art coloring books and how to draw)
Kinder Art– Free Lesson Plans
National Gallery of Art- Art information and games
MET timeline of Art History
Deep Space Sparkle Art Lessons
I also have free lessons and ideas: Art on a Shoestring Budget
Making Music Fun Free Sheet Music
Foreign Language
Duo Lingo- Many Languages
French for Kids– with history and geography
Free Video Lessons for Spanish, French and German
Inexpensive Curriculum
Art Games from Birdcage Press – these are very high quality
Art School- This huge book is the best 10 dollars you’ll spend for an artistic child!
For older kids, pick up a used copy of Gardner’s Art Through the Ages– it’s an amazing art history text, and would be appropriate for AP test prep, or as self study for YOU! I kind of love this book. I paid about 15 dollars for mine, and it’s one of my most treasured books. The text is easy to read, and the information is complete. All art lovers need this tome.
Adventus Piano- for about 10 dollars a month, this program and a midi keyboard will teach your child to play music. We love it!
Those Amazing Musical Instruments
Rhythm Instrument Activities for Young Kids
Foreign Language
Song School Latin & Spanish (for young children, you do not need the teachers manual to use this program)
…. and I am still looking for high quality, inexpensive resources for foreign language!
Read the rest of the series!