Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, GA, on January 15, 1929. He grew up during the Great Depression. However, his family was stable and financially secure.

At birth, he was named Michael Luther King, Jr. At five years old, his dad changed both his (Sr.) and his son (Jr's) first name to Martin, after the Reformation leader, Martin Luther.

At the young age of six, he faced racism when school segregation separated him from a friend who was white. His friend's dad forbade their continued friendship.

Growing up, Martin had to recite a Bible verse at the dinner table before eating. It is reported that one of his favorite verses was John 11:35.

Martin Luther King Jr. attended Morehouse College in Atlanta when he was just 15 years old. His dad and granddad both attended this college too.

After earning a doctorate at Boston University, Martin Luther King Jr. graduated and moved to Montgomery to be the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.

In 1955, Dr. King was elected the head of the Montgomery Improvement Association and became the official spokesperson for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. His memorial, pictured here, is in Atlanta, Georgia.