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Classical Curriculum

Peace Hill Press (This Company has a couple different products for classical education) $
Check out their best seller, The Well Trained Mind to learn more about how to give your child the classical education you never had. It contains curriculum suggestions to piece together your own program, as well as practical advice. It’s my #1 favorite how to homeschool guide, and the book I refer to most often in making curriculum choices. Peace Hill Press also has their own history program, and writing and grammar programs.

Tapestry of Grace (All-in-One program, you would add Math and Science) $$$
This is a program you should check out if you have multiple children you need to teach, and want to combine them as much as possible. TOG only has 4 levels, and each of those 4 levels is meant to be used 3 times with the same children at each stage of their development. So, you could use the Ancient level with a first grader, fifth grader, and a ninth grader successfully. Once you buy the 4 levels, theoretically, if you stuck with TOG for all 12 years of education, you would never need to buy another program.

Memoria Press (Complete All-in-One program) $$ – $$$ depending on year
This program uses a lot of workbooks, and is strongly classical education based.


Charlotte Mason and a “Living Education”

Sonlight (Complete All-in-One program) $$$$
This program is not “Charlotte Mason” per say, but does teach with living books. It is strongly literature based, relying on reading and read-alouds to do most of the teaching.

Ambleside Online (Complete All-in-One program)
Ambleside is FREE. They have a program for every grade level, and are a traditional Charlotte  Mason program.

The Handbook of Nature Study (Science- Nature Study) $
The Nature Connection (Science- Nature Study) $


Traditional Learning (Textbook or Virtual Academy)

These programs allow for public school teacher oversight and guidance and are full programs.
K12 $$$$
Calvert $$$$



Oak Meadow (Complete All-in-One program) $$$- Oak Meadow is Waldorf inspired, but is aligned to state standards.
Christopherus (Complete All-in-One program) $$
Waldorf Essentials (Complete All-in-One program) $



Homeschooling Montessori at home doesn’t really require a curriculum, but there are many websites offering directions for making your own materials and teaching Montessori at home, or offering free and low cost Montessori materials. These are my favorite places to get ideas and downloads:
Montessori Print Shop $ (plus cost of materials)
Montessori for Everyone $
Montessori at Home $ (plus cost of materials)


Unit Studies

Five in a Row (Complete All-in-One program) $$ (with cost of books)
Five in a Row (and Before Five in a Row) are fantastic week long unit study books that are based on classic children’s picture books. Each volume of FIAR has about 19 weeks of unit studies in it, and is perfect for preschool and early elementary age children.

Moving beyond the Page (Complete All-in-One program, Can purchase individual units for $) $$$
MBtP can be purchased as a full curriculum program (you would need to add math and phonics only) or you can buy individual topic unit studies for a very low price. This program is very well done, includes many wonderful books and hands on activities.



Eclectic Homeschoolers put together their own programs using a combination of other resources. You can see the programs I have used in my home from the beginning by looking at How We Homeschool. I also have many reviews of different programs on my curriculum reviews page.

To find curriculum, I tend to hang out on the Well Trained Mind Forum to ask question and see what programs other people love. They have reviews and answers to everything over there!


*Note- I have rated price as follows

For Individual Subject products cost per year
1-30 dollars: $
31-50 dollars: $$
51-100 dollars: $$$
101+: $$$$

For Complete All-In-One programs cost per year
less than 200 a year: $
201-400: $$
401-600: $$$
601+: $$$$

This is not a complete or all encompassing list- feel free to leave a comment if there is a program you think I should add!

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